Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our first Vlog has come into being!

So this is to say that we have our first Vlog up! You've probably come here because you saw the video, so I guess there's no need to talk about that.

Anyway, as we said in the video, you can give us a couple of suggestions and we'll see about getting around to them. We don't have our itinerary planned out exactly yet, but I believe Jake wanted to do an anime review. I plan on eventually either giving a video game review or talking about maybe some tips for a game or something. We might even combine the videos.

Of course we plan on eventually going out "into the field" as it were, and traversing the world wide world and checking out nature's frame rate. We're gonna be out and about checking out the locales of our two towns, maybe showing off some of what we like and maybe some of what we don't. We'll try to explore the past of these two towns and see what we can find out! You never know what mystery will lurk around the corner!

Also, please forgive us if our Vlog is bad, this is our first attempt at doing something like this. We will be striving to improve as we continue to make videos, and hopefully you'll find us entertaining at least along the way. You may have noticed my stuttering , and I would like to say I'm sorry about that as it's something I cannot help. Hopefully this won't detract from your enjoyment of our series! See you next update!


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